SPARC SP / iLOM info
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM) is system management firmware that is preinstalled on some SPARC servers. Oracle ILOM enables you to actively manage and monitor components installed in your server. Oracle ILOM provides a browser-based interface and a command-line interface, as well as SNMP and IPMI interfaces.
The ILOM service processor runs independently of the server and regardless of the server power state as long as AC power is connected to the server (or to the modular system that contains the server module). When you connect your server to AC power, the ILOM service processor immediately starts up and begins monitoring the server. All environmental monitoring and control are handled by Oracle ILOM. (source: Oracle iLOM Overview)
It's also known as the SP (Service Processor) on T-series servers.
Retrieve SP/iLOM info from Solaris cli
# ilomconfig <- Display all available subcommands # ilomconfig list network <- List ILOM IPv4 network settings # ilomconfig list user <- List one or all ILOM users
# hwmgmtcli <- Display all available subcommands # hwmgmtcli list <- show details of one or all sub-systems # hwmgmtcli list firmware <- show details of firmware sub-system # hwmgmtcli list open_problems <- show all SP diagnosed open problems
Web interface
The SP/iLOM interface can be accessed via a web browser using the following:-
Locate the Physical Server
All SPARC servers have a locator lamp, which can be turned on remotely to help locate the correct server onsite.
T4-1 Locate LED
The locator lamp can be turned on from the Web browser interface or by SSH'ing to the SP with the following commands.
To turn on the Locator LED, from the ILOM service processor command prompt, type:
-> set /SYS/LOCATE value=Fast_Blink
To turn off the Locator LED, from the ILOM service processor command prompt, type:
-> set /SYS/LOCATE value=off
To display the state of the Locator LED, from the ILOM service processor command prompt, type:
-> show /SYS/LOCATE
Reset the Server (Oracle ILOM)
The Oracle ILOM reset command generates a graceful or forced hardware reset of the server.
By default, the reset command gracefully resets the server.
Type one of the following commands to reset the server.
Perform a graceful reset from Oracle ILOM:
-> reset /SYS
If a graceful reset is not possible, perform a forced hardware reset from Oracle ILOM:
-> reset -force /SYS
To send a break to a host from SP/iLOM prompt
-> set HOST send_break_action=break
Power Cycle the Server
If a simple reset does not clear a system problem, you can power the server off and on with this procedure.
Shut down the Oracle Solaris OS
At the Oracle Solaris OS prompt, type the shutdown -g0 -i0 -y command.
Then type h when prompted to halt the Oracle Solaris OS and to return to the ok prompt.
N.B! Do this on all the guest VMs (LDOMS) before the physical host OS.
# shutdown -g0 -i0 -y # svc.startd: The system is coming down. Please wait. svc.startd: 91 system services are now being stopped. Jun 12 19:46:57 wgs40-58 syslogd: going down on signal 15 svc.startd: The system is down. syncing file systems... done Program terminated r)eboot, o)k prompt, h)alt?
Switch from the system console prompt to the service processor console prompt by issuing the console escape sequence (by default, #.).
ok #. ->
Using the ILOM CLI, type the stop /SYS command to perform a graceful shutdown of the server.
-> stop /SYS Are you sure you want to stop /SYS (y/n)? y Stopping /SYS ->
Note: To perform an immediate and ungraceful shutdown, use the stop -force -script /SYS or stop -script /SYS commands.
These commands stop everything immediately. Ensure that all data is saved before entering these commands.
Type the start /SYS command.
-> start /SYS Are you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)? y Starting /SYS ->
Note: To force a power-on sequence, use the start -script /SYS command.
Reconnect to the system console with the start /HOST/console command.
-> start /HOST/console Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? y Serial console started. To stop, type #.
The system console displays various messages, followed by the ok prompt.
Display fault logs
Use the show faulty command to display information about faults and alerts diagnosed by the system.
At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type the show faulty command.
-> show faulty
From Solaris OS cli
# fmadm faulty
Interactive SP faultmanagement shell
-> start /SP/faultmgmt/shell Are you sure you want to start /SP/faultmgmt/shell (y/n)? y faultmgmtsp> fmadm faulty
SP Snapshot
ILOM/SP provides a mechanism to gather a snapshot which contains diagnostic data useful for support services.
SSH to one of the SPARC server SP's
-> set /SP/diag/snapshot dataset=normal
Tip: dataset=[normal, normal-logonly, full-logonly]
- "normal", specifies that the Oracle ILOM, operating system, and hardware information is collected. - "normal-logonly" or "full-logonly", specifies that only log files are collected.
Send the dump to a Solaris host
To scaserver set /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=sftp://root:root@IPnr/var/sun
To scaserver2 set /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=sftp://root:root@IPnr/var/sun
Example of dump filename
From there you can copy the dumpfile to your desired destination using your tool of choice